Proceedings EIS 2010 - Eindhoven

On this page, you find the proceedings of the 2010 edition of the EIS conference, held in Eindhoven. These proceedings also appeared online with CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, ISSN 1613-0073), volume 662.

For proceedings of the 2009 edition of EIS, click here.

Proceedings EIS 2010


Session 1: Maturity Models

  1. Marlies Van Steenbergen, Rik Bos, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Inge van de Weerd, Willem Bekkers
    The Design of Focus Area Maturity Models
    (extended abstract; full paper published here)
  2. Marijn Plomp, Ronald Batenburg
    Measuring Chain Digitisation Maturity: An Assessment of Dutch Retail branches
    (extended abstract; full paper published here)

Session 2: Requirements Analysis

  1. Marco Aiello, Pavel Bulanov, Heerko Groefsema
    A Survey of Variability Management Requirements
    (extended abstract; full paper published at COMPSAC 2010
  2. Bert de Brock, Tommi Tervonen, Hans Hillege, Pieter de Graeff
    Current Status and Future Perspectives of Drug Information Systems
    (extended abstract; full paper published at ECIS 2010)

Session 3: Collaborative Modeling

  1. Sietse Overbeek, Virginia Dignum, Yao-Hua Tan
    Value-Sensitive Design for Cross-Enterprise Regulation
    (extended abstract; full paper published at CEC-PAW 2010)
  2. Agnes Nakakawa, Patrick van Bommel, Erik Proper
    Challenges of Involving Stakeholders When Creating Enterprise Architecture
  3. Denis Ssebuggwawo, Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, Erik Proper
    Collaborative Modeling: Towards a Meta-model for Analysis and Evaluation

Session 4: Architecture, Ontolgy and Model Engineering

  1. Ralph Foorthuis, Marlies van Steenbergen, Nino Mushkudiani, Wiel Bruls, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Rik Bos
    On Enterprise Architecture Conformance and Benefits
    (extended abstract; full paper published at ICIS 2010)
  2. Philip Huysmans, Kris Ven, Jan Verelst
    Designing for Innovation: Using Enterprise Ontology Theory to Improve Business-IT Alignment
    (extended abstract; full paper published at ICITIE 2010)

Session 5: Supply Chains

  1. Romana Aziz, Jos van Hillegersberg, Kuldeep Kumar
    Inter Organizational Relationships Performance in Third Party Logistics: Conceptual Framework and Case Study
    (extended abstract; full paper published at HICL 2010)
  2. Ricardo Seguel, Rik Eshuis, Paul Grefen
    Architecture Support for Flexible Chain Management

Session 6: Process Model Transformations

  1. Pieter Hens, Monique Snoeck, Manu De Backer, Geert Poels
    Transforming Standard Process Models to Decentralized Autonomous Entities
  2. Willem De Roover, Jan Vanthienen
    Unified Patterns to Transform Business Rules into an Event Coordination Mechanism
    (extended abstract; full paper published at EDBPM 2010)

Papers of Interest

  1. Arya Adriansyah, Boudewijn van Dongen, Wil van der Aalst
    Towards Robust Conformance Checking
    (extended abstract; full paper published at BPI 2010)
  2. Kees van Hee, Jan Hidders, Geert-Jan Houben, Jan Paredaens, Philippe Thiran
    Abstracting Common Business Rules to Petri Nets
    (extended abstract; full paper published at APNOC 2009)